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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 28, 2024 18:58:36 GMT
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"Thank you for coming on short notice," Ameena greeted the new Rocket member. Alakazam floated behind her, staring the young woman down. "Things are changing fast in Hoenn, and we are on a path to a dark and violent destination. It is in my best interest to keep you from becoming fodder against the league."[break][break]

She wasn't some special trainer or even especially qualified to assess Rocket members, but she had assessed many soldiers in her years in the military, so she knew how to look for bite and strength. She had heard Alison had a history in contests and showing, and many might immediately brush her off for this, but Ameena knew the importance of using someone's talents. Strength was more than raw numbers or power, and she was determined to see what Alison was capable of and what guidance she would need before the war. [break][break]

"Tell me about yourself and who you rely on most."

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Alison Everly
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POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 17:04:40 GMT
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Alison stood next to Ameena with a light smile, trying her best not to look too uneasy at the Alakazam that hadn’t taken its eyes off her since she arrived. She had heard of Ameena’s family’s service in Galar, their long history within the military that spanned decades and the research she had compiled in her company Abundance Connections. While not fully understanding the full array of her achievements, Alison knew that Ameena was accomplished - and that told her everything she needed to know; that she was standing next to someone successful, someone intelligent, someone with a lineage that adorned their name, and someone – she assumed – with many medals.

Self-conscious, Alison nodded at Ameena’s words.

“It’s okay. I appreciate the offer to meet. We all must be ready for what’s to come.

“I used to compete in the Pokémon Performances back in Kalos and tried for Kalos Queen a few times. Performing, modelling, that’s been my whole life. But, a few things happened, and I – changed my career. I joined Rocket.” She gave her Mismagius a quick look, one that saw sadness cloud her eyes for a moment. Mismagius floated next to Alison, watching her with silent understanding.

Alison blinked it away before it was noticeable.

“I rely on myself, mainly. My father. Rocket. There’s not many I can say I trust to have that honour. What about you?”

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POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 15:55:12 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Alison's accent and tone are melodic. Ameena could listen to her all day, something she can't say for many of her colleagues. "Rocket may not be what you initially planned for, but I hope you will find that the opportunities here require a similar mix of luck and skill to pageantry and contests." In other words, the environment will be one she could fall into with little issue. [break][break]

Her support network was neither too large nor too small. Ameena felt a twinge of nostalgia as Alison mentioned relying on her father; Ameena used to have her mum, but all of her other family had preyed on her for years, and there was nothing but bad blood there, now. "Only myself and my colleagues." She trusted many of her fellow Rockets, perhaps too much, but she was talented at ensuring her interests aligned with those she worked with. Such an approach was necessary given how varied the goals were of her coworkers. [break][break]

"More colleagues makes for a better support net, I find," Ameena assessed as she told her Alazakam telepathically to stop staring down the other woman, "but because of the ruthlessness of the vetting process, newer members can find themselves kicked out if they fail to demonstrate value." There was no need to speak on what 'kicked out' really entailed. [break][break]

"Many evaluate based on pure power, but our organization requires more than brute force. I offer it my research far more than my military experience, for example. For you, I suspect you have talents far beyond brute force. But before we delve into those, do you trust your team to support you when pure power is needed?" Perhaps, Alison required more pokemon or a rigorous regimen to train those she had. It was easy to let your team fall to the wayside as you developed yourself; Ameena had been guilty of it herself.

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NOTES – bond bridge[break][break]


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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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Alison Everly
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POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 21:45:49 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
“I hope you’re right,” Alison hummed in response. “It’d be nice to have more people I can rely on again.”

As far as Alison believed, her previous experience of supportive “colleagues” in the world of contests and pageantry had left her with an almost fatal encounter of falling stage lights. She could only hope at Rocket camaraderie wasn’t a ploy to hide ulterior motives; and from what Ameena seemed to offer through her words, Alison so far remained optimistic.

“Uhhh – I wouldn’t say pure power is what my team are good at.” Alison sheepishly smiles at her Mismagius. A flat look is returned by her Pokémon. “I’m severely lacking in that department. I can create a spectacle, perform, plan, organise, beautify anything – but brute force? I wouldn’t say it’s my strong suit…”

Ringing her hands together, Alison looked at the lady beside her under her lashes. Ameena seemed so starkly different to her. Strong-willed, determined, resilient, accomplished – Alison felt like nothing more than a vain, performative industry plant beside her soldierly grandeur. Yet, no matter how diffident she felt, Alison knew she needed to soak in as much as you could from someone in such a field. To learn, adapt, and pursue strength now that she was in Rocket was her number one priority.

With a sharp inhale, Alison turned fully to face Ameena, straightening her spine.

“…I was hoping you’d be able to help me change that.”

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 18:26:33 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Alison isn't necessarily baring her soul, but there's something about the other woman's forthcomingness that comforts Ameena. It's a relief to not have to prove herself to every single Rocket she meets, though she suspects the longer she is with the organization, the more frequently this will be true. She had shown her inner colors to many of the upper echelons of Rocket when she first started so as to better embed herself in the organization and be known as a good ally. [break][break]

Uselessness was punished, after all. [break][break]

"Power comes over time," Ameena finally said. "I can help you with gathering more pokemon and with some basic drills. Strength is versatile, much more than many will treat it. Your skillset is valuable. We cannot win a war by just hitting Leaguers over and over again." Though, hitting hard enough was still an important aspect of war. [break][break]

She had no reason to believe Alison was looking for a reason to turn on Rocket after such brief tutelage. In fact, the researcher did her best to not let paranoia or cynicism waste more mental space than absolutely necessary, so she was content to take the woman at face value, especially with her new confidence in her team. "I will look for good opportunities to test your skills. I think you will find that showing your usefulness will only bring you better opportunities and more power."[break][break]

"But tell me: what is your immediate goal? What sits on the horizon for you?" Revenge? Purpose? The power to become untouchable, unbetrayable, unshakable? There were many answers, and all of them were right.

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NOTES – bond bridge[break][break]


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We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 19:48:05 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison nodded at her words, her eyebrows furrowing as she listened. She often forgot she had entered Team Rocket at a perilous time. It was unfortunate, really. With a war looming over the horizon, it was practically guaranteed she would be called upon to fight. No matter how terrifying the thought, she knew hiding in a dressing room wouldn’t help her.

And hearing Ameena note her skills may be of use, Alison hoped she wouldn’t be as weak as she thought herself to be when the time came.

At her question, Alison paused for a beat, her gaze fixated to the floor. Memories flashed across her vision – feelings of anger, upset, frustration, vengeance – before dissipating like a thin veil of smoke. There was so much she hoped to achieve. Too much.

“There are people who need to be brought to justice” she responded, her tone sharp – hurt, “People I hope to one day hurt as they have hurt me. But I need to be stronger before I can do that. I need to be more than just a performer if I am to make them regret their decisions.”

She ruffles her fringe with her hands, smiling at Ameena as if her previous sentences hadn’t been uttered.

I appreciate all that you offer. Any opportunities to gain more, Pokémon, build a team, and become stronger I am happy to try. What do you have in mind?”

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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 16:43:25 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Vengeance. [break][break]

Ameena knew it well. Alakazam looked pleased at her answer, too, sensing how Ameena had warmed up to the idea immediately. Ameena had juggled both her desire for revenge and her own studies, both achieving, in different ways, her goals of honoring (and reuniting with) her mum. "Justice is only possible without the constraints of weak-willed people unfamiliar with pain. Rocket was a good choice," she praised. [break][break]

Indeed, the League would have conducted an investigation and found nothing tying her father and his accolades to her mum's murder. If Ameena couldn't secure hard proof, how would they? Rocket did not need proof. Ameena had even enlisted the help of the very capable for the removal of one man. More would follow, in time. "I can help you with gaining the power you need for this goal. There are countless capable allies in this organization. I am happy to connect you to some." [break][break]

But for the immediate day, there were smaller steps to take. "We can build your team and cover weak points. You may also find value in a little undercover work if you are willing to forge connections with Leaguers; gaining intel and using their resources can propel you further, especially if you find anything of value for the Underbosses." A lot of their work, collectively, seemed to revolve around Avatarship, though she could not speak to all of their motivations and goals with her limited interactions. [break][break]

"We could battle sometime. I would be more than happy to join you on a hunt for pokemon. I will call when I find opportunities like the great chasm; we can explore together and see what we can find for the war effort. Have you been to Ultra Space yet, or the RKS?" Both were excellent routes to bizarre rewards found nowhere else. An Ultra Beast might be exactly what Alison needed.

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NOTES – bond bridge[break][break]


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Vaniville Town, Kalos
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We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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Alison Everly
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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 22:44:52 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Ameena’s praise for Alison’s choice of Rocket filled her heart with child-like admiration. It was heartening to know she was around the right people – the sort of people who could help her achieve what she wanted to, no matter the consequences.

“Thank you, all of this sounds - perfect.” 

A small, confident smile painted her lips at the mention of undercover work.

“I believe I may be of use in that department, if it is needed. I don't think I'll have any issues making connections in League - I still have my own connections in the performance scene. I’m sure I could benefit Rocket and uncover important information for our cause, if necessary.”

Even with Alison’s inward fear of the underbosses and their authority – particularly from her own encounters of them thus far – she desperately desired to showcase her value to them and impress them. She was, if anything, a people pleaser – and if Ameena’s advice could help her in aiding Rocket’s war movement, gaining influence, and pursuing her own desires, she was keen to take it.

“We can definitely battle – or, well I can try to. That is something I definitely must work on before the inevitable war…” Alison trailed off, careful to control her cheeks from blushing from embarrassment at her weakness.

At the mention of Ultra Space and RKS, she shook her head, unfamiliar with the subjects.

“I can’t say I’ve heard of those - or been there. Should I have? What are they?”
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 15:17:13 GMT
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"Excellent." Battling knowledge and overall strength came from training and time. Rocket offered plenty of the former, so she would only be working against the latter. "You can practice with anyone and seek pokemon alongside anyone, but I am here for both when you are ready." [break][break]

As for the other topics, well, they were far more complicated. "Ultra Space is the general name for all the areas we access through rifts in space. There are pokemon in them named Ultra Beasts, which are bizarre in origin but powerful. The nature of them is still being discovered. RKS is less dangerous as it is just a computer simulation, but." [break][break]

How to say it? RKS crafted the most traumatic situations and implanted new phobias in its visitors. Sometimes, though, the occurrences were light-hearted enough. It was difficult to parse, overall, and she had heard that no one even knew where the device originated from. That was terrifying enough without considering the simulations it spat out. No one could say for sure what its purpose actually was nor what truly happened to the people who visited it. It could be that players were actually inserted into an alternate universe. It could be that the DRK Triad was behind it all. [break][break]

"RKS is like a VR game that can make you question your sanity. But it spits out sanity, and the researchers tied to the RKS project will reward you for producing data by running simulations." She smiled. "If you are interested, I would be happy to sign us up for the RKS now. I can guide you through it, so it's less jarring."

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NOTES – bond bridge[break][break]


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